Get Resmerized with Resmyrranda
I use various tarot decks to help you see your way forward clearly, whether its love, money, career, relationships of all kinds. Trusted online worldwide since 1999. Feel stuck? You know what to do next. GetRes!
My Approach to TopicsMy approach is a mixture of compassion with an aim to provide clarity. I have been called inspirational, tenacious, strong, and gifted. Images are the language of Spirit and so I believe that Tarot is the perfect tool for interaction between ourselves and the divine, if we listen.
My BackgroundI am a self-taught Tarot reader since my very much younger days. Always fascinated by the Supernatural and occult, I figured that if they said it in Sunday School it must be true. So Yes I believe in other worldly beings, miracles, signs and wonders, parallel dimensions and eternal life. I still can never get enough of studying occult history, literature, why other cultures believe the way they do etc. Needless to say the documentary/paranormal section is my favorite media category. I also love media about the creepy and spooky, feeling most at home among the creatures of the night myself.
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